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Join the Collective System for the management of photovoltaic WEEE
Bozza modifiche sito web ECO-PV (7)
Join the Collective System for the management of photovoltaic WEEE


Valorize electronic waste, one step at a time with the WEEE consortium

As regards the management and recycling of WEEE, Consorzio Eco-PV is a qualified partner accredited to the WEEE Coordination Center (CDC RAEE). We are able to provide expertise and assistance to producers and importers in the design and implementation of services for correct and transparent waste management in a circular economy key. The company focus is on excellent logistics, as well as the best standard for waste treatment and recycling.



in the National Register of Producers/Importers


of the legislative obligations regarding WEEE


to regulatory compliance and other laws


Operational consultancy and training


Legislative Decree 49/2014

  • The main innovations introduced by Legislative Decree 14 March 2014 – n. 49 are developed in these fundamental points:
  • the establishment of a national register of parties obliged to finance WEEE management systems (EEE Register);
  • compulsory registration of WEEE treatment plants, managed by the WEEE Coordination Center (CDC RAEE);
  • the obligation to collect the product free of charge at the end of its life by setting up Collection Points in the area, including remote sales (online, teleshopping, etc.);
  • the introduction of free collection of used equipment (of an equivalent type, the so-called one-on-one) in the act of purchasing a new EEE;
  • the introduction of one-against-zero, i.e. the possibility for the consumer to deliver small-sized WEEE (up to 50 cm) to points of sale without having to make a purchase;
  • the introduction of more challenging collection and recycling targets: by 2019 the Government intended to recover 85% of household WEEE produced in Italy or 65% of all products placed on the national market;
  • the inclusion of photovoltaic panels in the WEEE list.

Article 40 Subsection 3 of Legislative Decree 49/2014, with the amendment to Article 4-ter of Decree Law 181/2023

With the new provisions of the Decree Law on energy security entered into force on 8.2.24 indicates that:

  • the Manager of Energy Services is entitled to deduct a sum double that paid for membership in consortia or collective systems of management of WEEE recognized by the Ministry of the Environment;
  • the GSE closely monitors the number of subscriptions to consortia and collective systems, the amount of panels managed or disposed of, the average costs of joining the consortia and those determined by collective systems;
  • the documentation necessary for joining a collective system shall include the list of serial numbers of the installed photovoltaic modules. In case of discrepancies, no sanctions will be applied on incentives;
  • each collective system shall be required to register with the National Register and to provide an indication of the responsible parties who have provided the financial guarantee in the Trust of one of the recognised collective schemes.

Legislative Decree 49/2014

Article 40 Subsection 3-bis, 3-ter, 3-quater

3-bis. The individual and collective management systems ensure the advertising, also through the dissemination through its website, of information on the value of the contributions referred to in paragraph 3 and the period of their application, differentiated for each equipment listed in the groupings listed in Annex 1 to the Regulation referred to in the Decree of the Minister for the Environment and Protection of Land and Sea of 25 September 2007, n. 185, as replaced by the regulation referred to in the decree of the Minister for the Environment and Energy Security 20 February 2023, n. 40.

3-ter. The information referred to in paragraph 3-bis shall be published and updated by the individual and collective management systems within thirty days of determining the value of the contributions.

3-quater. The collective management systems referred to in paragraph 2, which allocate all or part of the operating surplus from environmental contributions to the reduction of the amounts of the contributions themselves, ensure publicity pursuant to paragraphs 3-bis and 3-ter also of the amounts of the contributions thus determined.

Ministerial Decree DM 40/23 –  n. 40

The Ministerial Decree 20 february 2023, n. 40 specifies:

  • methods for collecting and transporting WEEE to the Collection Centers by distributors, installers, and managers of EEE technical assistance Centres;
  • creation and management of Collection Centres;
  • need to register in the National Register of Environmental Managers for the collection and transport of domestic WEEE.


TRUST eco-pv

Since 2012, Eco-PV has been the ideal partner for consortium members and customers operating in the photovoltaic sector. We offer collection, transport, and treatment services for end-of-life modules throughout the national territory, and we are authorized by MASE to immobilize the financial guarantee quota that the owners and manufacturers of systems are required to pay to cover the management costs of photovoltaic WEEE.